To describe the impacts of Tectonic Hazards on one specific location

To explain recovery strategies after earthquakes and discuss methods of response, recovery and reconstruction

Starter - Watch this news report on the New Zealand earthquake. 

Task 1 - Make notes of the facts about the background of the Christchurch earthquake, filling in the table underneath in your notebook. 

The Christchurch earthquake of February 2011


· The earthquake occurred on New Zealand’s South Island 10km to the West of Christchurch, Canterbury. It lasted only 10 seconds

· The epicentre of the quake was just 2km west of the port town of Lyttelton

· It measured 6.3 on the Richter Magnitude scale.

· Christchurch is New Zealand’s second largest city and suffered extensive damage

· February 2011 Christchurch earthquake was a powerful natural event that severely damaged New Zealand's second-largest city, killing 185 people

· The earthquake was only 5 km deep

· The earthquake struck at 12:51 pm on Tuesday, 22 February 2011

· 6 months earlier on 4th September 2010 another massive magnitude 7.1 earthquake caused significant damage to Christchurch and the central Canterbury region, but with no direct fatalities.

Christchurch earthquake background facts   
Previous earthquake

Task 2 - Study the tectonic map of New Zealand and the video. Answer the questions underneath. 

1. Describe the location of the magma chamber. 

2. Describe the movement of the fault line. 

3. Take note of the movement of the two plates where New Zealand is situated. 

Task 3 - Study the following website and complete a table with the primary and secondary effects of the Christchurch earthquake.

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Primary effectsSecondary effects

Recovery and Reconstruction